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Pero Hrabač was born in Zagreb, where he attended elementary and high school (Mathematical Informatical Educational Center). He has graduated from the Zagreb University School of Medicine and is currently completing a PhD at the same institution. The theme of PhD thesis and one of his primary scientific interests are Croatian war veterans and the long-term effects of war on morbidity and mortality on this population.

Before the current employment at School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, he has worked for slightly less than 15 years for a range of Pharmaceutical companies. Starting with smaller Croatian CROs (Contract Research Organizations) and jobs such as data entry, quality control and study monitoring, he left the industry on a position of study manager for a Viennese multinational company.

Elements of both professional experiences, current in public health, statistics and informatics as well as past in clinical trial management, will be discussed during the workshop.

Currently, he holds two positions at the School of Medicine in Zagreb. He is an assistant at the Department of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Medical Informatics at the “Andrija Štampar” School of Public Health. Besides this job, he is also head of the Department of Information Technology.


Workshop 2
15 September 2021
Title: Statistics for non-mathematicians