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Custom visual discovery for library systems

15 September 2021
Workshop 4

With millions of papers, datasets, and many other products of the research life cycle published each year, discoverability has become a huge challenge. Open Knowledge Maps attempts to transform discovery of scientific knowledge with a visual approach. So-called knowledge maps provide an instant overview of a field by showing its main areas at a glance and papers related to each area. Thanks to this unique solution, the non-profit search engine based in Austria has become the world’s largest visual system for discovering research outputs.

In this workshop, we will introduce you to a novel model that connects OKMaps back to research organisations and libraries, and enables you to add custom visual discovery services to your offerings. In this model, Open Knowledge Maps acts as a cloud: institutions are able to embed OKMaps components via short snippets in their systems. Furthermore, you can set individual parameters, including the ability to restrict the visual discovery to your own portfolio. The Custom Services are developed in collaboration with libraries and open access publishers. Like all of OKMaps’ offerings, the Custom Services will be provided free of charge and as an open infrastructure. 

In the workshop, we will present the Custom Services model with a focus on real-life use cases from our library partners. The workshop will be interactive with ample time for discussion and comments from the audience.

Workshop leaders: Peter Kraker & Michela Vignoli, Open Knowledge Maps, AT
Library panel: Andrea Hacker, University Library Bern, CH & Mahmoud Hemila, ETH Zurich, CH